Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My opinion and nothing else, hope it doesnt offend anyone =(

I heard a story from a friend today...which the story goes on for half an hour...
It wasn't boring. and it is kind of a lesson to ppl outside this world...that person is telling me about a story and the experience, which i have never experience before which when i hear about it i was very angry about the person involved...if hitting people is not wrong in this world, i will promise i will give the one who hurts u a good smack and wake that person up from what she has done to my friend. Maybe its me who have never know what does the real world look like,maybe the world is always cruel to treat good people like that....

After hearing one side of the story, a lot of things have gone through my mind...

oh well how shd i start...

1st, love means affection to a someone....a lot of people find it real hard to say that word to the person he or she is kind of a mixed feeling inside someone...which is not easy to understand or wat-so-ever...and once you started to love a someone and devote ur life to be with that someone, make sure u do it well.

2nd, to love someone is to work hard, hence both parties should work hard to maintain a good relationship. homework has to be done by both parties. if there is only one person who does the homework then the relationship will not be built and be maintained. and if that persist for long, it will cause a lot of unecessary things to happen.
But i wonder what if both parties does the homework? then why does the word seperation exists?

3rd, when u have ald love that speacial someone of yours, i think that means putting on all ur trust on that speacial someone. you will have to trust that person, and the person has to trust you too. trust is one of the important part to built up a good future, a good relationship. Trust is the key to all harmony in this world. Trust is particularly important in a relationship. Just imagine living with a person which u have never trust. u will have nightmares, u will never live well. u live with fear. with regret. with hatred. with disappointment.

4th. every problem has its solution. sometimes it seems that some problems are difficult to solve and seems like it is the end of the world. yea i have to admit sometimes there are problems that are quite impossible to solve, it's like the problem is until the "unsolvable" stage. But 1st things that needs to be realised, why is there problems? problems are almost everytime caused by humans. Therefore, whoever started the problem is the only one who has the most power to solve it. Problems are most probably cause by human error and if that particular person does not want to fix the error then that means the problem will never be solved. However there might be a small amount of problem which is not caused by human...there might but i dont know...

therefore i have something to say to that person who has hurt my friend(s) so much...

If you want to love a someone, make sure that you dont hurt that someone that u love and loves you. Remember, to love someone, u have to make sure that that person that you love will be happy, will get the love that he/she should get. you dont need much, just some words or actions that show that you care is more than enough for that person. Trust, care is important in a relationship. Only if you can give a person ur everything and readily sacrifice for that someone, or else dont bother to start to love that person. because if there is no chance that u can sacrifice urself for that person that you love, you are not only wasting that person's time, but u are also wasting their energy, their effort on you. And the worst thing is by doing this you have hurt that person that loves you.... that is what i call selfish and unreasonable...
And remember do not ever ever cheat on the person that loves you. By doing that you are hurting that person more. Imagine the impact on the person when he/she realises that you have cheated on them for so long when they have put their complete trust on you. Dont be so selfish to hurt ppl around you. This is not the way to live a good life in the future. By cheating and cheating, it will not bring you to anywhere except misery and sadness. there is no point to love a someone if what you are doing is planning to cheat on the person non-stop.

To the person involved, when i hear the story from my friend, i have to say, i feel very angry about what you have done. We can see how much time and energy that person has spend on you. I feel that it is so not worth it for that person to treat you that well after what you have done to that person.
As a friend for that person, i feel that what you have done is not reasonable at all. therefore, i will hope that you will not do the same to others in the future. Maybe the situation now is very difficult to save, but i wish that in the future, you will learn the lesson and learn to change,

And to my friend(s),
I am not a good counselor. I never know how to solve problems and console people. i was too afraid to say anything. All i can do is to tell you that watever that happens you still have friends around you. yes, you might look down at me because of various reasons ie i dont really know how it feels or wat-so-ever. but i have to say, if i can i will help. But one again, i am not a good counselor and i dont know what i shd to to make you feel better. maybe its me that cannot understand you. Maybe i am not the right person for u to tell and sought comfort coz i dont know how to express. I am not good in expressing in actions. i cant express things verbally. all i can do is write and write and write and i am sure that one day you will read this and know what i am trying to say and do.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Häagen-Dazs ice cream is so so so nice...

I finally manage to eat the oh-so-famous Häagen-Dazs ice cream that i dreaded to try...and finally, i have the opportunity to sit in that place and eat that so damn nice ice cream...which is damn expensive...but heck la...let me try once lerr...

well this post shd b telling ppl how nice Häagen-Dazs is i

It has been a busy week, with me constantly going everywhere this week..but i like it...coz i am not alone~

I hate the feeling of loneliness, but i think this week is the time where i wont feel lonely~

which is nice coz my whole week is occupied...

i am in my dreamland again...oops!!

Häagen-Dazs is nice, handbags are nice, walking around is nice, having my whole week occupied is nice, coz at least i have something to do...or else u will find me rotting at home really soon if i was at home whole week... which i dont think anyone would want to see..

but i have to is not that nice coz it means $$ gone...sob sob and it is very addictive u know...

Oh no.....

but the reward of shopping is nice...coz u can get nice nice things...

like what i got...mwahaha...

too bad i didnt use it when i go out...there is things like pantang of using things that u just buy immediately...which a person as pantang as me will do... so have to keep a few more days...

which i think it will b ages before i next go out ald...

i want Häagen-Dazs, Häagen-Dazs and more Häagen-Dazs....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006









到了夜里,水儿就成了最温暖的摇篮,他总是轻轻地摇晃,哄着鱼儿让她入睡。在夏天的夜晚里,水儿总是会将鱼儿拖到水面 鱼儿渐渐长大了,她发现心里有一样东西让她牵挂??那就是水儿。


“你为什么不说话?”鱼儿问。水仍旧沉默着,只是开始轻轻地摇着头。 妈妈说鱼儿不能爱水。这是大自然的规律,就好像斑马只能爱斑马,花豹只能爱花豹;条纹的只能爱条纹,斑点的又只能爱斑点,而斑点却是永远不能爱条纹的。




许久, 鱼儿的开口打破了沉寂:“你看不见我眼中的泪,因为我在水中。”










六月,火红的太阳照射着水面,尽管他们做了各种努力,可水儿还是在一点一点的蒸发。鱼儿的脊背渐渐地露出了水面,水儿努力地激起了波澜,湿润着她的脊背,不让太阳将她灼伤。可是这样,更加加速了水的蒸发。终于,最后的一滴水也离开了鱼儿。鱼儿躺在了龟裂的土地上,奄奄一息。 鱼儿的心脏在完成了最后一次跳动时,一滴眼泪从脸颊滑落。











我不是鱼,你也不是水,我以为我对你的感情不会长久,因为那是一见钟情 。




~Copy from tsj's blog~